Factory Direct Re-Verber-Ray Replacement Parts

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Re-Verber-Ray High Intensity Heater Parts

Re-Verber-Ray® high-intensity infrared space heaters are an ideal heating solution for areas with high air filtration or high ceilings, or where you need to spot heat. Our exclusive design has a proven history and includes a perforated ceramic emitter for maximum conversion to infrared radiation, plus a variety of BTU and control options




Control Components

Part Description Part Number
Combination Gas Valve VR4205M-1308
Circuit Board DSI SUB KIT-120V*
Wiring Harness N/A
Main Burner Electrode DSI SUB KIT-120V*
Ignition Wire, High Voltage HVW-18
Ignition Wire, Low Voltage LVW-18

* Original parts are obsolete. DSI SUB KIT-120V will update existing heater to NFS-2.


Core Components

Part Description Qty.1 Part Number
Orifice 4 Consult Factory
Rayhead (assembled with ceramics) 4 DR-RH
*Rod for Rayhead, 17-3/8″ 36 DR-LROD
Short Rod for Rayhead 1 DR-SROD**
Heater Reflector Assembly 1 DR-4REF
Pilot Access Door w/Screw 1 DR-DOOR
Pilot Shield 1 F10-PS
Pilot Line (Straight) 1 PL-2
Union Fitting, 3 Piece 1 DR-MU
DR Cross Over Bracket (45-60 MBH Nat; 45-100 MBH Propane only) DR-CO
DR Flash Shield (130 MBH) 1 DR-FLSH 4
1/4″ – 20 x 1/2″ MS Bolt 10 DR-BOLT
1/4″ – 20 Hex Nut 10 DR-NUT

1Indicates the quantity of this part originally installed on the heater. When replacing, you may choose to replace only the non-functioning part(s). If quantities are not indicated consult factory.

*30, 45 & 55 MBH PFS, PMV & PT models use DR-RHP.

**NFS, PFS models require 1 DR-SROD in addition to 35 DR-LRODs.