Factory Direct Re-Verber-Ray Replacement Parts

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Re-Verber-Ray Tube Heater Parts

Detroit Radiant Products Company offers the most extensive line of low-intensity infrared radiant tube heaters available. From our award-winning, engineered vacuum systems to our patented, two-stage line of heaters, you’ll find a product that ideally suits your needs. Re-Verber-Ray® low-intensity heaters are a little- to no-maintenance, cost-effective and energy-efficient solution for heating a wide variety of areas.



RE-VERBER-RAY DTHS SERIES TUBE HEATER (Manufactured 1985 to 11/86)

Reference the Installation Manual for additional parts. Download

Common Components

Part Description Original 
Part Number

Part Number

Fan TP-55 TP-55
Pressure Switch TP-61 TP-CPA-2
Radiant Sensor TP-64 TP-64
Glo-Bar TP-50 TP-50A
Natural Gas Regulator TP-33 TP-33
Propane Gas Regulator TP-33P TP-33P
Burner TP-48 TP-48
Natural Gas Valve TP-36 TP-36NKIT
Propane Gas Valve TP-36 TP-36PKIT
Burner Housing TP-42 TP-42
16″ Burner Tube TP-6A TP-6A
First 10 ft. Tube TP-26B TP-26B
10 ft. Reflector Section TP-20C TP-20C