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CNG Facilities

Heating vehicle maintenance facilities

Use our expertise to heat your CNG facilities

Natural gas is an affordable, abundant, and environmentally acceptable option to power America. And we have the expertise to help you effectively heat your CNG (compressed natural gas) vehicle maintenance facilities. We offer a variety of options and solutions and can generally turn around concept AutoCAD drawings within a few days.

With the increasing use of natural gas, it’s important to fully understand and comply with special requirements, such as NFPA 30A, which mandates that the heater’s operating temperatures not exceed 750°F. Our select CSA Design-Certified heaters meet construction criteria required to meet code, and are fully capable of properly heating your space.

One challenge can be to fit the quantity of burners necessary to meet the space’s heat load. In these cases, we can utilize our engineered HLV vacuum systems for the design.